Φίλτρο προϊόντος

Kiricann believe in a holistic and personal approach to health and wellness, with a growing supply chain of products available at local and global markets, we understand the difficulties with discerning the legitimate information and options from the misinformation and chancer's.

Alleviate Anxiety, Reduce Inflammation, Ease Insomnia, Mitigate Muscle Spasm, Regulate Appetite, Pain relief and holistic and personal approach to health and wellness.
Kiricann are firm advocates of the health benefits of cannabis and we aim to aid in the global push in the education of Cannabis.

Kiricann integrate unique South African botanicals such as the South African Cape Chamomile ensuring that those unique benefits can be absorbed through the body.

Acute inflammation is an exposure to an injury or infection often causing swelling, redness or pain around the affected area. This is most often treated with our topical salves.

Available in South Africa and selected European Countries

8 products found in Kiricann

KiriCann Έλαιο πλήρους φάσματος CBD σε MCT 6% - 600mg
  • €35,00
KiriCann 24% (2400mg) CBD Oil
  • €85,00
KiriCann 12% (1200mg) CBD Oil
  • €65,00
KiriCann CBD Infused Salve - 100mg CBD
  • €47,50
KiriCann CBD Αλοιφή μυών και πόνου - 200mg κανναβινοειδή
  • €47,50
KiriCann CBD θεραπευτική αλοιφή - 100mg CBD
  • €47,50
Έλαιο σώματος KiriCann CBD - 200mg CBD
  • €35,00
KiriCann CBD Lip Balm - 24mg CBD
  • €15,00