Our Services

From Conception to Mobility

Our packages range from all levels according to baby's age and developmental stage

Bath Routine and Flotation

2 products

Mind Body Play & Events

3 products


2 products

Infant Massage

2 products

Special Needs Services

Mind Body Baby has perfected and specialised the required techniques for our special needs babies.

We work on controlling mid-ranges, building endurance and providing appropriate sensory and propriceptive input.

On assessing each child Mind Body Baby documents the movement, posture, breathing and oral motor problems as well as other detailed specifications to better equip our special needs babies in their everyday lives.

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A safe and natural way using a licensed device to create natural alignment of the body and movements, preventative maintenance, core stability and increase on gross and fine motor skills as body weight becomes 90% less once placed in the water.

View Flotation Services